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Weddings & Engagements - Troues & Verlowings



Celebrate your special day with these cookies as gifts for your guests.

The designs are endless and Vanessa will create authentic cookies just for you.

Contact her to discuss your needs.

Size 8 - 10cm

Price range from $4.50 per cookie.


Go to our Wedding page for more info


Vier jou spesiale dag met hierdie koekies as geskenke vir jou gaste. Die ontwerpe is eindeloos en Vanessa sal outentieke koekies net vir jou skep. Kontak haar om jou behoeftes te bespreek.

Grootte 8 - 10 cm

Prys vanaf $4.50 per koekie.


Gaan na on Trou bladsy vir meer inligting


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