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buttermilk rusks traditional south african
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Buttermilk ruskx

Traditional South African Rusks and Cookies

Tradisionele Suid Afrikaanse Beskuit en Koekies

eetsamor traditional south african baking
Buy 2 get 1 FREE

Karringmelk beskuit

buttermilk rusks

Zoo cookies

Welkom by die "eetSAmor" kombuis - een vrou se Droom.

Hier word tradisionele Suid Afrikaanse Beskuit en Koekies gebak - soos Ouma dit gedoen het.

Daar word gebak vanuit 'n Geregistreerde komersiële 

kombuis in Norsewood wat voldoen aan al die vereistes

van die Tararua Stadsraad

Zoo koekies

Welcome to the "eetSAmor" kitchen - one woman's Dream.

Here we bake traditional South African Rusks and Cookies - just like Grandma did it.

Baking in a Registered commercial kitchen in Norsewood,

complying to all requirement of the Tararua Council.

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